Model Policy on Resident Access to Outside Support Services and Legal Representation

In addition to providing on-site services, the (agency) provides youth with contact information to victim advocacy and rape crisis services and allows youth to make contact with the organizations in private. Staff will explain to youth their rights of privacy and confidentiality in this regard. The facility will inform residents about the extent to which communications will be monitored and the requirements of mandatory reporting.

Youth are also permitted contact with their attorney or legal representative, and with their parents.

Staff provide such information during PREA education education sessions and at the time of any report of sexual abuse. The facility documents the provision of such information. Options for documenting are included in the policy on resident education.

Additional policy and procedure features:

Facility specific information on:


MOU Template for Victim Service 1
MOU Template for Victim Service 2
MOU Template for Victim Service 3

PREA Standard 115.353
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