Model Policy on Discipline for Staff, Contractors, and Volunteers

In instances of substantiated allegations of staff perpetrating sexual abuse, the staff member will receive sanctions up to and including termination, and the presumptive disciplinary action for sexual abuse will be termination. All such cases will be reported to the appropriate legal authorities and licensing bodies. Discipline is determined in accord with County policies and in keeping with sanctions imposed on other staff with comparable offenses and similar histories.

Staff members engage in sexual harassment will receive sanctions up to and including termination, in accord with County policies.

Any contractor or volunteer engaging in sexual abuse with a resident will be prohibited from contact with residents and reported to relevant licensing bodies and law enforcement for investigation.

Any contractor or volunteer violating policies relating to sexual abuse and sexual harassment will be subject to appropriate corrective action, including consideration of prohibiting contact with residents.

PREA Standard 115.376
PREA Standard 115.377
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