System of Accountability

Statement of Principles

The Oregon Juvenile Department Directors Association (OJDDA) supports the principle of system accountability. County juvenile departments are committed to providing effective and efficient services to promote public safety and prevent youth from returning to criminal behavior. In partnership with the Oregon Youth Authority, the Court, private providers, and other key organizations, juvenile departments share responsibility for the effectiveness of the juvenile justice system. OJDDA also supports consistent, comparable information to review programs and performance, and endorses compliance with audit requirements in ORS 419C.001.

Areas of Review and Sources of Data


  1. Number and characteristics of youth and referrals statewide and by county in accord with the crime categories established in the Youth and Referral Reports approved and published by the JJIS Steering Committee. [Accountability]
  2. Number and characteristics of youths admitted to secure detention statewide and by county in accord with the Admissions and Length of Stay Reports approved and published by the JJIS Steering Committee. [Accountability, Community Protection]
  3. Number and characteristics of youth in pre-adjudicatory detention and in detention to serve a sanction statewide and by county as reported in the Admissions and Length of Stay Reports approved and published by the JJIS Steering Committee. [Accountability, Community Protection]
  4. Average lengths of stay of youths in detention statewide and by county as reported in the Admissions and Length of Stay Reports approved and published by the JJIS Steering Committee. [Accountability]
  5. Percent of youth who re-offend statewide and by county based on the statewide definition of recidivism as reported in the Recidivism Reports published by the Oregon Youth Authority.
  6. Dispositions in accord with the referral groups and crime categories as reported in the Disposition Report approved and published by the JJIS Steering Committee. [Community Protection]
  7. Number of youth/conditions in which restitution is ordered statewide and by county as measured at the time of closing and as reported in the Restitution Report currently being piloted by the JJIS Data and Evaluation Advisory Committee. [Accountability]
  8. Percentage of conditions completed at the time of closing in which restitution is ordered statewide and by county as reported in the Restitution Report currently being piloted by the JJIS Data and Evaluation Advisory Committee. {Accountability]
  9. Number of youth/conditions in which community service is ordered statewide and by county as measured at the time of closing and as reported in the Community Service Report currently being piloted by the JJIS Data and Evaluation Advisory Committee. [Accountability]
  10. Percentage of conditions completed at the time of closing in which community service is ordered statewide and by county as reported in the Community Service Report currently being piloted by the JJIS Data and Evaluation Advisory Committee. [Accountability]                 NUMBERS 11 and 12 ARE UNDER DEVELOPMENT in JJIS or ALTERNATE SYSTEMS
  11. Number and characteristics of youth receiving specific services* as measured at the time of closing and as reported through the process being designed by the JJIS Data and Evaluation Committee. [Reformation]
  12. Percentage and characteristics of youth completing specific services* as measured at the time of closing and as reported through the process being designed by the JJIS Data and Evaluation Committee. [Reformation]

*Priority services to be tracked include: Substance Abuse, Mental Health, Sex Offender, Fire Setter