OJDDA Training

Health Protocol for training with OJDDA

Click here for full protocol statement effective June 23, 2022.




OJDDA 2025 training dates will be published as they become available.  Curriculum delivered by the OJDDA training faculty has been reviewed and updated. OJDDA is committed to providing the highest quality training that is current, relevant, inclusive and centers equity for the professionals, youth and families we serve. If you have questions, please contact Sonya Littledeer-Evans, OJDDA Training Committee Chair at Sonya.Littledeer-Evans@deschutes.org


In Person Training:

Fundamental Skills

Trainers: TBD
Date:  May 5 - 9, 2025         Location: To be determined

Effective Practices in Community Supervision (EPICS)

Trainers: TBD
Date:  July 8-10, 2025         Location: Deschutes County

Working with Youth in Custody and Residential Settings

Trainers: TBD
Date:  October 6 - 10, 2025         Location: All Care Community Room,1701 NE 7th ST, Grants Pass, OR  97526


2024 ODOJ Training -  Recognizing the Signs of Sex Trafficking for Juvenile Justice Professionals





Juvenile Fitness to Proceed - Presentation starts @ 2:40.

Psychiatric Security Review Board - Presentation starts @ 2:20

Sex Trafficking - How to see it and what to do when you identify victims - Presentation starts @ 2:40

What's Within my Control - Juvenile Director Discretion to Address & Reduce Ethinic and Racial Disparity - Presentation starts @ 4:14


OJDDA Training Fees

  Member Non-Member
EPICS Coaching 50 50
EPICS Coaching Refresher 50 50
Effective Practices in Community Supervision 200 225
Fundamental Skills for Juvenile Workers 200 225
Working with Youth in Custody and Residential Settings 200 225
Cross Cultural Communication, Equity and Inclusion 75 100
Professional Self-Care and Ethics 75 100
Courtroom Training 75 100



For further information or inquiries, please contact OJDDA at: training@ojdda.org

  • Courtroom Preparation & Presentation 
    • This highly interactive training allows participants to learn how to prepare for, and deliver, more effective courtroom testimony.  Participants will identify key elements and differences between effective case presentations and giving testimony; discuss appropriate attire for court; review courtroom protocol and expectations; and discuss ways to reduce anxiety about courtroom presentations. This training culminates with a realistic contested, adversarial hearing involving a real DA, defense attorney, and judge.  Participants will be provided a case study prior to the training.  To get the most out of this training, participants should spend time reviewing and contemplating all of the information contained within the case study so they can compose their written dispositional recommendations to bring with them to the training.  Each participant will take the stand for a 20-minute contested dispositional hearing to present their recommendations.  The youth’s defense attorney will critically cross-examine participants and the judge will ultimately decide if the recommendations have been adequately supported by making a ruling. Each participant’s testimony and post-hearing feedback from the trainers, judge, and both attorneys will be video/audio recorded and provided to the participant.  (10/22) 
  • Fundamental Skills for Juvenile Workers
    • This 32-hour introductory course is designed for Juvenile Justice probation workers/court counselors who are in their first year of employment.The topics are designed to give participants a general overview of the basic skills utilized in the day-to-day operations of Juvenile Justice. The presentations will provide an opportunity for learning through lecture, discussion, and demonstration, following evidence-based best practices and cultural awareness.This course is also an opportunity to network with other probation workers/court counselors from around the state.
  • Professional Self-Care and Ethics
    • Self-Care: People are experiencing high levels of stress both in the workplace and at home.The problem is that this topic is rarely discussed in organizations because there doesn’t seem to be any obvious solutions.  New research in this area is yielding some amazing discoveries and providing some practical approaches to combat this problem.  Paradigms will be challenged as we discuss a new definition of stress and brain research. Hope will be restored as we examine several simple steps to jumpstart, maintain, and increase our resilience to stress. Come with an open mind and leave with a new outlook.
    • Ethics: Typically, the erosion of ethics happens over time, but once it starts, it can be a slippery slope.  The best way to prevent lapses in professionalism and ethical deterioration is very similar to how we would keep from getting sick with the flu: get an annual booster shot (i.e. training).  In this presentation we will discuss the characteristics that make us professionals, various ethical dilemmas we may face in our career, and how to successfully avoid, or at least navigate, these traps.
  • Effective Practices in Community Supervision Training
    • Learn, understand, and be able to apply the principles of effective intervention
    • Learn and be able to implement the EPICS model
    • Learn and understand cognitive behavioral interventions
    • Learn and understand key core correctional practices and how to implement specific cognitive behavioral intervention tools - Relationship skills, Structured skill building, Effective reinforcement, Disapproval and Use of Authority, Problem-solving, Cognitive Restructuring
    • Learn how to improve work with families
  • Cross Cultural Communication, Equity and Inclusion
  • Participants will engage in simulation activities where themes of assumptions, misconceptions, stereotypes, prejudice, group identity and belonging emerge. Participants will experience effective/ineffective cross-cultural communications strategies and experiences.
  • Through large and small group discussions and activities, participants will gain greater awareness of unearned advantages and unearned disadvantages that exist in our lives and how inequitable systems occur. Participants will review RRI and how disproportionate minority contact occurs and its impacts. Participants will learn key concepts for understanding and interrupting systems of power, oppression and bias.
  • Working with Youth in Custody and Residential Settings
    • This training week focuses on implementation of best practices, self-awareness, working with special populations, interviewing and assessment skills, teambuilding, conflict resolution, and much more.

A certification form will need to be filled out by a director or supervisor from the county requesting certification.  Once completed, send the form to training@ojdda.org.

Training Committee

Chair: Sonya Littledeer-Evans, Deschutes County
Joe Ferguson, Jackson County
Debbie Martin, OYA

Training Faculty - - Email All Trainers at trainers@ojdda.org           

Email Your Training Questions to training@ojdda.org

Useful Links